Finally, I had gotten used to took me so long to find one I can go to and be a regular...i think i must have gone to three or four or five different ones first. Tustin Ranch, Right accross from work...Irvine...till i found her on Tustin Ave. Finally, i feeling at ease with her, her prices, her smile. I think we had our moment the day i rushed in there with coffee all over my suit, changed in her cluset and wore my dry-cleaned suit which was already sitting there ready to be picked up...she was laughing at first. Thank God i thought. Was i on my way to court? don't remember but i did panic for a while and yet she was smiling...she always has her lipstick on and gets there at 7:30 a.m., way earlier than i can get myself to work...finally...why do we get attached to such small matters?
But today i realized our relationship may end soon since she will no longer be on my way to work and back to home...b/c home is changing AGAIN. Now i have to find another dry clean lady or even guy to trust. All that time and today went i went to drop off my shit, i asked her name so i can remember who she was...she said "Yung".
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