Is the Noticer Depressed?
He said a patient came to him one day and said, "Dr. I have noticed that I am depressed all the time, that I am sad and lack energy."
"You feel depressed, right" He verified.
She said, "Yes."
He then asked, "What about the Noticer? Is the Noticer depressed? Does the Noticer feel sad?"
She said, "No."
He then told her, "Why don't we start with the Noticer then."
I treat one hundred patients with drug addiction, smoking addictions and Sugar, coffee and cola addictions not to leave out the most common anger addictions along with Depression. The idea of the Noticer in this article gives me new insight to treat my patients. Wayne Dyer just mentioned the Noticer in his inspirational tapes which lead me to search further about the Noticer.I shall try to incorporate this in my practice. I thank you and Mr. Dyer for this suggestion.
The Noticer in all of us is the unattached part of our Self which is also known as Soul and if we think of our problems and addictions from this level of our consciousness, we will be our own psychiatrist as well as also a patient.
This process gave me an advantage to find my own cure for the Depression that I SUFFERED FROM MANY YEARS.
My support group on Yahoo Groups called the Sounds of the Heart is the result of my own cure of Depression.
I would like to invite some people to join our group with no obligations.
Ramesh C. Gupta, M.D.
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