Small Moments

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

A funeral for my suit

i bought my black skirt suit with pink stripes, three years ago, the day after i passed the bar as s present to myself for entering the legal field.

it was just so perfect, the way it fit my body: it was "suited" for me.

Soon, it would become my favorite suit: every time i wore it, i got a job offer...aside from the fact that it was also his favorite suit of mine. He thought i looked really sexy in it.

The suit was worn over and over was starting to get worn out, and you know when something you've been wearing a lot gets worn out, you just do. There is no kidding around it. At the same time, you become attached and can't let go.

i knew it had done its time in this world and i should have let her go. But because of this three year relationship that we have been in and my unreasonable attachment to it, i wore it today for my first unlawful detainer trial.

Well, i lost the trial and my clients, a family of five, will be evicted from their place in 7-10 business days.

i just knew i should have worn a different suit.

Now I am clear. Crystal clear: the suit must be let go...


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