Small Moments

Sunday, December 21, 2008

My Good Local Pharmacy

My local neighborhood pharmacy is a great place. Dr.Z and I have become friends over the past couple of years. He has consistently provided medications for my parents who are not even living here, without ever asking where they are and why they are not coming back. I guess his main concern is to sell his meds.

At times, my good local pharmacist has even given me medications earlier than their due dates. Once when my insurance wasn't approving a pill, he gave me four pills to take home to cover the two day gap I had to deal with, while he sorted matters out with the insurance company.

Sometimes I feel embarrassed that he knows what medications I am taking. The birth control pills, for example...well, if he thinks I am not married, that's kinda bad. But I hope he doesn't assume that I am married either, after all...I am single and I want all to know that I am single, specially a local pharmacist who may know of eligible single men.

On the other hand, I really don't want him to know when I have other related female issues. In fact, I go to CVS for those things.

Although I never told him I am a lawyer, he had found out through the grapevine. After all, this is a local and very nosy-chatty neighborhood we live in. So one day, he congratulated me. And the other day, he had a legal problem that we discussed.

I am very attached to my local neighborhood pharmacy. When he is closed on Sundays, unless I am dying, I wait till Monday to go to him.

I like my local neighborhood pharmacy.


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