Small Moments

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Healing Saturdays

Saturday mornings are different.

I wake up happy. I drive to the beautiful beach town of San Clemente, California.

I don't actually go to the beach though.

First, I usually go to Dr. Fu for some small punctures on my back (upper), and my head, at times. Dr. Fu is the happiest and cheeriest Chinese woman I have ever met. More than the needles, I have realized, she has a general healing power. Just seeing her makes me well...she keeps saying it's all about energy...I am low on energy...

Then I proceed to Dr. W. Sometimes I get Starbucks before going to Dr. W. Her office is in this old building, small and dark. It is decorated in the most horrifying manner , with stuff that were probably bought at fleet markets and garage sales. It's not her taste, that much I know. It's the other woman whom she works with...despite the stuffy office, we talk and I heal.

Saturday mornings, I heal. I deposit all the ache and the pain of the week there in San Clemente and come back to start yet another fresh week, to collect my share of toxins again...and then deposit and then again and this goes on and on...

Dr. H always says therapy is like taking a's necessary because you keep getting dirty all the time...because are alive, because you are living a life...

I like Saturday mornings.


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