Leave the wake behind...
"They demolished our Purdue apartment :-(" His text read.
It took me a few minutes to digest it.
Demolish? Yani tear down? Ba khak yek saan?
Rows of cars would line up on the street right by 1500 Purdue and wait for me as I came downstairs to go out. For years, our place was the meeting spot for all my friends, right off the freeway. Convenient.
Seven years we lived there. Good and bad happened but I only remember the good, and only feel the warmth of the happy moments in my memory, the togetherness of it, the absence of lonlieness of it. All of us grew up in that apartment practically.
And now it's gone.
"Just don't tell mom, she'll cry for months." I texted back.
You gotta leave the wake behind...you gotta let go of the past. Maybe it's a good thing they tore it down. Maybe it's sign that we have to let go and immerse into a better future.
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