Small Moments

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Pedi Days

The first woman said she got a pedicure for the first time for her brother-in-laws' wedding, ever. She said she never knew it felt so nice to get one.

The second woman didn't look like she had ever gotten one. She wore Chanel glasses but no pedi.

I lean more twards regular pedicures than owning Chanel, if I had to choose.

I can't think straight if I don't get them every three weeks or so. I actually recently calculated that since I bagan getting regular pedicures in 1999 or so, I must have spent approximately,,,oh Gosh...$2,320 on pedicures. That's about 17 pedis per year. Let's just say $2,500.

Well, let me tell you, that must have been the best way to secure my sanity in the past 8 years. A pedicure is a refreshing, stress-relieving, mentally cleansing activity which invigorates the soul.

It is beyond ordinary cleansiness and simple beauty. It's new start...

It's worth every penny.


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