Small Moments

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Kill Freud

Jung and Freud did not have to pay so many bills, or commute to work in traffic on five different freeways. (Shit, did they even driver to work or sit on a couch and theorized all day?) They didn't have to bill hours for work, or wait in line at the post office. They had no internet access, which means they also did not waste much time. They didn't get routed to India when they called their bank. They did not have to deal with the war on terror and its global effects on humanity, and everything else that has caused great distressed for mankind today.

In this day and age, people have so much going, they don't have time for the typical Jungian/Freudian bullshit of the subconscious. In fact if it was so important, why was it pushed under the covers to become the sub or the unconscious anyway? There must have a reason.

For me personally, I just enjoy the simple cognitive-behavioral therapy which helps me set short-term goals: In the morning, wake up and get out of bed. Take Prozac and Vitamins. Take a shower. Drink coffee. Make sure my car has sufficient amount of gas. Driver safely to work. Avoid accidents. Try to get a few hours of productive work done. Make a couple of phone calls, such as a change of address or a bill dispute. Eat a healthy meal. Drive home safely without any car accidents. Pick up dry cleaning. Buy milk. Check mail. Maybe watch a movie. Maybe call a friend.

Get it? Get through the day...that's my goal. Now, when do I have time to deal with the subconscious crap?

I am sorry Freud, it's time to admit it man, you are officially obsolete. You are out. Gone. Done. Finito.

And I haven't even gotten into your phallic little dirty mind. But who gone.


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