Small Moments

Monday, November 26, 2007

First Date

After a few weeks of just talking on the phone, he asked me to meet him after school at " Park-e-Mellat".

Gharar gozashtem for 4 p.m. He said he would meet me in front of the park entrance or by the Bazaar Safavieh door.

I was 12 years old. I was nervous and scared to be caught by both my parents and a bunch of reeshoo pasdaars.

Nevertheless, I raised enough courage to get ready and exit our apartment on the second floor of the infamous brown building on Mirdaamaad.

The streets of Tehran were busy as usual for that time of the day. I waited for an orange Taxi. Yelled "Park e Mellat" to him and got on.

He drove off. My heart started beating faster and faster. He got to the end of Mirdaamaad about to make a right on Vali Asr, where Eskaan is. I felt like throwing up. I told him I need to buy something and forgot, so I am getting off. Gave him the money, ran out and walked back home.

He was waiting at the park for me though. There were no cell phones, no pagers. So I just had to wait until he calls me. Which he did, "negaraan". I told him what I did; I was honest. He was pissed, I mean pisssssssssed. Poor guy.

We didn't talk for a few days. Our first "ghahr". It was cute.

Now, 17 years later, I think that explains where my flaky nature comes from, especially on "First Dates".

Bad start.


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