Small Moments

Saturday, November 03, 2007

The happiest woman I know

The happiest woman I know has fake teethe made out of some cheep metal, not even gold.

She drives a car without a driver's license, does not have a green card and probably will never ever get one.

She left her children behind in her old country and came here for a better life.

She laughs hysterically most of the time when you talk to her instead of responding to you.

She takes care of a disabled man, where I believe he also gives him housing.

She inhales massive amounts of toxins and chemicals during her work hours but doesn't care, and is healthy as a horse. Which is great because I doubt she has health insurance but why would she need it? Happy people don't get sick. All sickness comes from your thoughts.

Sometimes I pity her, in my own small mind, and in my attempt to help her, I give her some cloths and other stuff. But she doesn't need my pity. She is happy no matter what I give her. Her happiness is not contingent upon "things", you see.

The happiest woman I know is my cleaning lady.

Her name is Emma.


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