Small Moments

Friday, December 14, 2007

Addicted to Poverty

I was sober for exactly four months this time. I made money. I wasn't poor.

Then, I relapsed again.

Addiction takes all kinds of different forms. Poverty is one of them. I am addicted to poverty because it is familiar zone, because it feels as though I belong there more than anything, because sometimes when I have too much money in the bank, I don't know what to do with it.

It's ok. Addicts are always welcome to go back to sobriety.


At 1:55 PM, Blogger Phil said...

Hi, I just wanted to pass on two wonderful 12 Step Programs for people with poverty addiction: Both programs offer free support groups for people who are addicted to poverty (financial anorexia)-- The first 12 Step program is Debtors Anonymous and the second 12 Step program is Underearners Anonymous

Best, JP


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