No ice cream for him at Tajreesh
Mr. M has said he saw my Dad eating ice cream one day in the middle of Tajreesh, in the middle of the day. This, Mr. M believes, is a crime for some reason.
Mr. M then decided to feel sorry for me, working here in America so hard, while my Dad eats ice cream at Tajreesh. Dads don't do that you see, they work very hard until they die, while children sit on their asses. Well, Mr. M's children never worked a day in their lives and never will, neither will his grandchildren.
Mr. M is stupid. He is judging my father in one instance of time, without seeing the whole picture, without seeing all the 17 years that he worked every day, seven days a week. Mr. M has seen one scene in a very long movie and he thinks he knows what the movie is all about.
But Mr. M is human and humans make snap judgments subconsciously. They say, those scientists, that snap judgments were developed through evolution so human beings can survive in times of danger, where there is no time to waste. The nomadic tribes...those early homosapians...those hunter and gatherers.
I am not going to make Mr. M's stupid snap judgment about my father get to me. Not after I have blogged about it anyway.
People are so stupid, they are funny.
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