Small Moments

Sunday, December 23, 2007


I was driving to school, one afternoon in 2002 or 2003. The radio was tuned into 670 a.m., Radio Iran, and she was speaking on a program about domestic violence.

She was informative, knowledgeable, strong and full of self-confidence. Her name was Sousan Al-e-Mansour, at attorney, which I jotted down in the back of a notebook, while I was driving. The next day, I looked her up on CalBar. She had left a lasting impression on me.

Time passed and I became a lawyer myself. One day, four years later, I met a short woman with curly black hair at a meeting full of lawyers, who introduced herself as Sousan Al-e-Mnasour!

A few months later, I sat in her office and accepted a job offer. Then I walked out of her office and recalled that afternoon that she spoke on the radio, remembering that I knew that day, I would meet this woman and she would become my mentor.

Carl Jung's description of the concept of "Synchronicity" is what quantum physicist today would call the phenomenon of superluminal information transfer between space-like separated events.

Basically, that in Nature everything is related somehow...although unseen by the eyes and unexplainable by ordinary senses.


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