Small Moments

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Pro-reincarnation argument

It used to be that you got accepted into a well-known university, then your life was set. The name of the place alone opened doors for you. "Mr. A went to UCLA. WOW, come on in."

Then came graduate school where grades really mattered. You excelled and then that itself got you a good job. Top 5% come on in.

After that Who You Knew was important. People were the ones who guided you and showed you the right doors to open.

One day you arrived into the real world and found out that no one told you the Truth: Now YOU are the one who has to make your way through life and open all the doors by yourself. This is called adult life, where no other names or affiliations would matter anymore. It's just YOU.

Now your own name is the only way to open doors. Sometimes, it takes so long to find the door, then you fear to even knock. After you gather up enough courage to knock, and wait for a while, one is even there to answer. You then have to turn around and find another door. Some doors are open for you, however, you won't dare enter for fear of failure. Some doors are locked and on one will tell you where the key is. Some doors don't even have a knob and you have to figure out a way to get through, maybe you have to break the door. Sometimes, when you gather enough strength to break the door, you find out there was nothing there to begin with, it's just empty. Why? because people before you had found out there was nothing there, they were smart enough to close that door and throw away the knob but you, the stuboorn being that you are, didn't believe them and didn't take their advice, you wanted to see for yourself so you wasted so much time and energy to break that door. You spend more time after that regretting that you wasted time and being depressed, meanwhile new doors are being built all the time and you, being depressed, are missing them. You are angry and annoyed that in the begining, no one told you about being alone at the end, by yourself.

One sad day you get close to the end of life and realize that the whole "door thing" was just a big phat lie anyway, that the game was just the joys of the journey to find the doors. What lied behind the doors was just a mirage. But it's too late now because you have wasted your whole life missing the point.

This is why we have to believe in reincarnation because we all deserve a second chance, and a third and a fourth...until we all finally get the point.


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