Small Moments

Sunday, December 21, 2008

My Good Local Pharmacy

My local neighborhood pharmacy is a great place. Dr.Z and I have become friends over the past couple of years. He has consistently provided medications for my parents who are not even living here, without ever asking where they are and why they are not coming back. I guess his main concern is to sell his meds.

At times, my good local pharmacist has even given me medications earlier than their due dates. Once when my insurance wasn't approving a pill, he gave me four pills to take home to cover the two day gap I had to deal with, while he sorted matters out with the insurance company.

Sometimes I feel embarrassed that he knows what medications I am taking. The birth control pills, for example...well, if he thinks I am not married, that's kinda bad. But I hope he doesn't assume that I am married either, after all...I am single and I want all to know that I am single, specially a local pharmacist who may know of eligible single men.

On the other hand, I really don't want him to know when I have other related female issues. In fact, I go to CVS for those things.

Although I never told him I am a lawyer, he had found out through the grapevine. After all, this is a local and very nosy-chatty neighborhood we live in. So one day, he congratulated me. And the other day, he had a legal problem that we discussed.

I am very attached to my local neighborhood pharmacy. When he is closed on Sundays, unless I am dying, I wait till Monday to go to him.

I like my local neighborhood pharmacy.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

My trivial world

Suzie's uncle passed away yesterday after a long battle with cancer and heart problems.

As I sit here though, I am still very concerned about which font to use for my new business cards.

Despite the fact that we are impermanent beings who come to this world momentarily, and knowing this with all my heart, I am still overwhelmed by trivial matters...

Monday, December 15, 2008

The story of creation

The sky finally let go. It opened its heart and is now pouring its love onto the vast thirsty ground.

There is an old tale, a myth, that the very first khasteghaari (marriage proposal) happened when sky came to propose to earth.

Obviously she said yes, and now we are all here. She wasn't afraid and she accepted her need and longing for the sky and his love. She gave in to the flow of life.

Isn't that beautiful?

Saturday, December 13, 2008


What is fear?

Fear is nothing more than mind's delusional conclusion of an event, none of which exist in reality.

Yet, we live our lives driven by fear, day after day.

Now that's insane.

So fear is insanity.

And being afraid is being insane.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Only in America

Reverend Mary is kind. She always makes a point to say hello to me first. She wears red a lot. She comes to the party with her boyfriend. They dance and sometimes are even caught kissing each other on the lips.

Only in America,a spiritual center hosts a party and offers dancing, and a person of religious status shows up with her unmarried partner to public, and is allowed to freely show affection. Not where I grew up, only in America.

America is so pretty.

Reverend Mary just bought a bike which makes her feel young, she declares. She rides her bike to grocery stores and carries her shopping in the the bike's basket.

Only in America, a person of religious status can be imagined to do such a humanly thing. Because America is so pretty that all are equal, whether they are God's people or not.

Only in America I have felt so free, not where I grew up.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008


Sometimes I forget or I am too lazy to wash the rice before cooking it. Then I see the little flies floating around, being cooked.

I am sure they are harmless.

Friday, December 05, 2008

Surreal or just life?

It's surreal when you live with your parents on one side of the world, then suddenly they move and establish a home on the other side of the world...then you visit them and watch as your mom cooks so peacefully in her new kitchen.

It's surreal when last time you saw your friend she was just engaged, this time you saw her she was carrying her 20-day old baby.

It's surreal when last time you saw your other friend she was just dating, this time she has a 7-year-old boy and is already divorced

It's surreal when last time you saw your aunt and uncle together, this time your aunt is gone and your uncle is remarried to a new women who is cooking in your aunt's old kitchen and tells you she actually loves the view from the kitchen.

It's surreal last time you saw your cousin, she was five and now she is almost engaged to be married since religion gives her away so soon.

It's surreal when last time you saw your first love he gave you a little angle with a heart on it that said "I love you" and now you are invited to his house where he lives with his wife and two children, and you even like his wife-a lot.

The whole thing was so surreal you just wanted to run away.

But was it surreal or just life?

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

How I feel about living in Tustin...

Song by Josh Rouse

I know somewhere there is a party going down.
Interesting people; conversation to be found.
I've lived in cities where there is no solid tune, made some friends there that I hope I'll never lose.
But, for now, I want to stay in this quiet town.
The neighbors on my block, they've got stories to tell.
"This is the grocery who once was a hotel."
"And this ____ he just stands there with his smile, inviting everyone he sees to come inside."
This is the life I want to live in a quiet town.
OoO, sometimes I miss the shows I loved a long time ago.
OoO, sometimes I miss the shows I loved a long time ago.
Come Sunday morning there's a market on the square.
Children are playing, bells are ringing in the air.
Old men are drinking, it's a lazy afternoon; content with thinking that there is nothing to do.
So for now, I'm gonna stay in this quiet town.
In this quiet town.
In this quiet town.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

My Other Office

My other office is at Panera's in Tustin Ranch. I sit by the window on the couch type chair if they are open. If they are occupied, I usually sit next to them and give the person sitting on them dirty looks continously until they move.

They now know me here. Oscar says hello to me this morning as I order my coffee and bagel. They have friendly staff.

The music is great for working, a variation of classical to soft rock to 80's. It actually stimulates the creative impulse, which is why I much rather write about random matters than do actual legal work.

There are many others who work here as well. Must love Free Wi-Fi. When it's time to make phone calls though, they step out and walk around the side walk.

My favorite group of people are the Korean business men who have their business meetings right in the middle of this place. They speak all in Korean but for the words "2 million dollEHrs", which I of course pick up.

Their Korean house-wives also hang out here but on different times. They know how to manage the timing very well so there are no conflicts.

I don't like it during lunch, it gets too busy and the busyness distracts me and throws me off focus. Fat people eating fast-food especially distract me.

I love this place. God bless corporate America for providing other venues to work so those of us who don't like being cooped up in a real office can come out and breathe.
